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This holiday season will not be short on choice for those out shopping for new technology. We are seeing a confluence of both new computing designs and software experiences, thanks to the Ultrabook revolution, along with today?s introduction of Microsoft?s new operating system, Windows 8. This year, when you?re shopping for a computer you?ll have more choice?in feature, size and even shape than at any time since the PC was invented.
The Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13, a multi-mode Ultrabook convertible.
Manufacturers around the world are designing a range of? new devices for people? that are more stylish, significantly? thinner and lighter, last longer in between charges, turn instantly on and come with built in security features to protect users. There are more than 70 in market for holiday season around the world.
So, what?s specifically new this holiday for Ultrabook?
The Full Windows 8 Experience:?Intel-based platforms together with Windows 8 together just work. What does that mean? Our Ultrabooks and tablets deliver a full range of new, amazing experiences with all your existing apps and devices because Intel Architecture uniquely runs the?full?version Windows 8.?
People will have access to the new user interface, start screen, live tiles and apps in the Windows store. And ? ?because it?s running on Intel ? you can still?use the applications you already?own in?the familiar desktop, like?your favorite Microsoft office and applications for music, photos and work ? not to mention?peripherals like printers and scanners. It?s the best of both worlds.
The razor-thin Acer S7 Ultrabook, featuring an all-aluminum unibody design.
Touch: Some of the latest Ultrabooks now have touchscreens, and when combined with a touch-friendly redesign of Windows, users have more options at their fingertips. Our research shows people will find it faster, easier, intuitive, and fun. Touch transforms the computing experience from work to play.
In addition to the?new touch-friendly user interface from Microsoft, touch capabilities are made possible thanks to?the work of?Intel and the device manufacturers to optimize their new line-up for a fast, fluid touch experience.?
2-in-1 devices that convert from PC to Tablet: Thanks to touch capabilities, device makers like ASUS, Dell, Lenovo, Panasonic, Sony and Toshiba have gotten very creative in their designs. Why not have a full computing experience when you need to be productive and creative, and convert to a tablet when you want to watch a movie or play with a mobile app? Each company have found unique ways to do this differently. There are now computers that transform from clamshell to tablet mode via swivels, flips, ferris wheel-like turns, slides and more. Hard to imagine? Check out the pictures below to see a few of the devices in action.
The Dell XPS 12 Convertible Touch Ultrabook with a fluid flip-and-fold motion to transofrm from PC to tablet.
And no matter which style or design people decide are their favorites, the Ultrabook promise delivers:
Featuring an all-aluminum unibody design, the razor-thin Acer S7 Ultrabooks are exceptionally thin and light, yet resilient and durable. Depending on model, they are as thin as .47 inches and weigh as little as 2.29 pounds.
Thinner and Lighter:
When the Ultrabook first launched a year ago, it was common for these devices to measure 16 mm thick and weigh in at an average of three pounds. The newest crop of Ultrabooks has shrunk down to as slim as half an inch and as light as 875 grams.
Better Battery Life: Thanks to the combination of ?3rd generation Intel? Core? processors and Windows 8 power management features, the latest Ultrabook devices provide users with both stellar performance and great battery life ? many systems lasting 8+ hours. With features like App Suspension, minimized applications will be suspended, preserving the device?s most recent charge.
Instant On: When living life on-the-go, it?s essential to have a device that is ready at a moment?s notice. The latest Ultrabooks are equipped with technology, like Intel? Rapid Start Technology, that enables your computer to wake from hibernation in less than seven seconds.
Which new Ultrabook is on your holiday list?
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top financial industry executives urged the Obama administration and Congress on Thursday to stop automatic fiscal austerity measures from kicking in at year-end, but did not propose fresh ideas for replacing those harsh budget and tax measures.
"The consequences of inaction ... would be grave," members of the Financial Services Forum, an industry trade association, wrote to President Barack Obama and members of Congress in a letter released on Thursday.
The letter, signed by 15 top executives of some of largest U.S. and global financial services companies, points to rising concern that lawmakers will run out of time to seal a deal to avoid sharp tax increases and spending cuts.
With a presidential election leaving the political landscape uncertain, negotiations to avert what has become known as the fiscal cliff are not expected until after the ballots have been counted on November 6 - and that has made many nervous.
If unattended, the impact of the sudden tax hikes and spending cuts could be severe. Independent policymakers, including Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, have warned that failure to avert the "fiscal cliff" would cause economic growth to contract sharply and hamper an already fragile recovery.
The White House said on Thursday that the outcome of the election will break the deadlock over the key sticking point - whether to raise taxes on those earning more than $250,000 - and that there will be time to prevent the crunch.
"The president is confident, we remain confident that we can address these issues," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters traveling with President Barack Obama on Thursday.
"He said on a number of occasions that he is confident that since the electorate will have spoken on this issue, and will have endorsed the broad consensus that we need to take a balanced approach to these matters, that will compel Congress to move in that direction," Carney said.
If the White House and Congress fail to prevent them, $1.2 trillion in across-the-board spending cuts would start to take effect on January 2 and tax cuts enacted under former President George W. Bush would expire on December 31.
Lawmakers set up the year-end deadline as a spur to achieve a broader deficit-reduction package, but failed to reach such a deal.
The letter from the Financial Services Forum letter is not the first sign that Washington's lack of action in light of the looming threat has caused anxiety in the business community.
Last month, chief executives of some of the largest U.S. companies also urged Congress to step up efforts to avert the fiscal cliff.
In mid-November, Congress is scheduled to begin a post-election legislative session that will consider whether to extend all or most of the Bush-era income tax cuts, as well as several other expiring tax measures. It also will weigh whether to replace the across-the-board spending cuts with more targeted reductions that might be less detrimental to economic growth.
The Bipartisan Policy Center, a think tank, proposed on Thursday that Congress agree to postpone looming tax cuts and spending increases, and turn over the task of cutting the budget deficit by $4 trillion over 10 years to congressional committees.
Lawmakers should enact an initial package of tax and spending measures to serve as a "down payment" on a broader deal, the think tank suggested. It also recommended that Congress should agree on a backstop plan that would automatically become law if lawmakers fail again to reach a fuller deficit-reduction package.
(Reporting by Mark Felsenthal; Editing by Neil Stempleman and Jan Paschal)
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Assistant Professor, International Studies
The University of Oklahoma?s Department of International and Area Studies announces an assistant professor (tenure-track) position in International Studies. While we have a general interest in talented teacher-scholars conducting work on important international studies themes, we especially welcome applicants whose scholarship focuses on international energy or environmental issues.? We encourage candidates with training in relevant social sciences disciplines (including anthropology, geography, history and political science).
Salary is competitive. The teaching load will be two courses per semester (2-2). Applicants must be able to teach survey courses in international studies, as well as thematic international studies courses (with a preference for energy and the environment), and more specialized topical or regional courses at both upper undergraduate and MA levels. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in hand at the time of appointment to the Department of International and Area Studies, which is effective August 16, 2013.
The Department of International and Area Studies, housed within the rapidly expanding College of International Studies, offers six undergraduate degrees and an MA in International Studies.? The new faculty position complements a department of about 20 faculty with collective research strengths in the areas of development, security, and national identity. For more information on the program and its faculty, please visit
Applicants should submit a letter of application identifying their research and teaching interests, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, teaching evaluations, three letters of recommendation, and a writing sample. These materials may be sent by email to Ms. Sandi Emond, Assistant to the Chair, at Applicants who wish to submit any of the materials in hard copy can send them to International Studies Search, Department of International and Area Studies, University of Oklahoma, 729 Elm Ave., 140 Hester Hall, Norman, OK, 73019. Review of applications will begin December 7, 2012, and will continue until the position is filled. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. The University of Oklahoma is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.
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We've been hearing about a certain 5-inch HTC phablet for Verizon since July, but it looks like its Japanese counterpart may actually hit the market first. Unveiled by KDDI as the HTC J Butterfly (HTL21), this Android 4.1 device is the first announced phone to feature a 5-inch, 440ppi full-HD "Super LCD 3" panel, and it's fittingly complemented by a 1.5GHz quad-core APQ8064 underneath, making this the latest member in the small family of Snapdragon S4 Pro phones. There's an eight-megapixel camera that naturally handles 1080p video at the back, accompanied by a 2.1-megapixel front-facing imager. Other details include 2GB RAM, 16GB internal storage, microSDHC expansion, 802.11a/b/g/n WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0 (LE), NFC, LTE and CDMA/GSM/UMTS/GPRS radios -- that's right, it's a global device. Not bad for a 140g package, and it's waterproof as well, rated at IPX5. But the question is how well will the 2,020mAh battery last under that super dense LCD and high-end processor? Only time will tell -- even KDDI has yet to finalize this part of the specs. Folks on the KDDI network can grab hold of this powerful phone in early December, with a choice of red, white or black.
Update: HTC confirmed to us that this phablet will use panels supplied by Sharp and JDI.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, HTC
KDDI unveils HTC J Butterfly (HTL21), the first phone with 5-inch 1080p display originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 17 Oct 2012 01:19:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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"It wasn't my idea!" Fletcher said.
"It wasn't my idea!" Fletcher shot one arm in the air.
"It wasn't my idea!" Fletcher hunched his shoulders.
Depending on the tense you're writing in, following a character's train of thought can give you a bit more girth to your posts, while also letting the reader know about them. If a character catches a particular smell, it could trigger fragmented memories of a past situation. I mean, bringing it back around to the present in a timely way is in order, but having your characters draw conclusions from one thing to another is something we as humans do all the time.
Another thing I've seen people do, especially in introductory posts, is use the sort of shrinking scope approach. Again, you kinda did this in the sample post. It's like a funnel to description, but more like a camera pulling focus, in that you start "wide" and grow more narrow on the subject that your post is about.
I read someone's post recently. They started describing a vast sky in approaching night. The sky threw tall buildings into sharp contrast, the buildings are within a walled city, the walls are dark - there is a dark figure scaling the walls. The poster went into crisp detail about the specific steps leading up to the introduction of our protagonist, the figure scaling the wall. This let us get a look not only at the time of day, but the size of the city, and the type of city he was in from the description of the construction of the scene.
Where are your characters in relation to each other, in the scene? Do they have to cross the room to be within earshot? Is one angry, one meek, the latter shuffling away? Action/visual cues are nearly as important as sprawling prose.
I'm (finally) getting around to reading more books lately. I jot down some things I find that I like, an interesting way to describe a particular emotion, or noting a neat way that an author did x thing. Depending on how much reading and free time you have, you could try and do that to get an idea of what other folks are doing.
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When you need to send sensitive information to a friend, you don't want that info sitting around on their computer for all time. Tech blog Digital Inspiration shows off a simple way to send a message that self-destructs after 10 seconds using nothing but Google Docs.
The self-destructing message uses a Google Apps Script and a spreadsheet. After you enter the information you want, share the Google Doc with a friend, and after they click the link they'll have 10 seconds before the information is erased. We've talked about the variety of ways to send sensitive information online, and you can add this to your toolkit. Head over to Digital Inspiration for the Google Docs script and guide.
Send Self-Destructing Messages with Google Docs | Digital Inspiration
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Romney Actually Leading Based on Today?s ABC/Washington Post PollPosted on 10/15/2012 6:09:54 AM PDT by Perdogg
I?m hesitant to do this with every poll but after the below monstrosity from ABC/Washington Post, it was worth the time to rework the poll with a more reasonable election turnout. The largest bone of contention is that the party identification had a Democrat advantage of 9 percentage points more Democrats surveyed than Republicans which in shorthand is D +9. This exceeds the best-in-a generation turnout advantage Obama had in 2008 which was 7 percentage points more Democrats or D +7. But what if that absurd disparity in turnout was a more reasonable turnout of D +3 which is also the historic average over the last 7 Presidential elections?
First I will map out the poll as reported by ABC and the Washington Post
The party ID and vote totals according to ABC/Washington Post:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
After rounding, it would be 49-47, like Ras and Gallup.
To: Perdogg
Yes, but every decent normal person must get out and vote! That?s what counts!
To: SeekAndFind; LS; Perdogg; napscoordinator; God luvs America; nutmeg; SoFloFreeper; Ravi; ...
3 posted on 10/15/2012 6:11:34 AM PDT by Perdogg (Vote like the US Constitution depends on it - it does!!)To: Perdogg
this poll is absurd and i guess they decided to start pushing these oversampling polls again to give an appearance of O being a winner.
To: Perdogg
Who says the Dems are going to outvote us at all. There are more Repubs then Dems and more enthusiasm. What happens if we plus 9 them?
Pray for America
To: snarkytart
What do the media think they?re doing with these polls ......building up Narcissist?s confidence for the Townhall debate tomorrow night?
To: Perdogg
A 5 point differential would be 45.85-44.52. Move to equal turnout and it flips to 47.15-44.24 Romney.
Even a 5 point differential considering that a chunk of that will be in places like NY & Calif. would not mean the Kenyan would win. He can run up vote totals in those states and it won?t help him at all.
To: I want the USA back
but every decent normal person must get out and vote!?
To: Perdogg
the purpose is to establish credibility for vote totals after all the fraudulent votes are entered.
When enough fake votes are added to our horribly corrupted electoral process in blue states, DEMs win, and always after 10 PM with ?late [always urban] precincts reporting?.
To: Perdogg; I want the USA back; snarkytart; bray; thingumbob; wiggen
Even if Romney takes Florida and Virginia handily, Obama only has to win Ohio and Wisconsin by a razor thin margin in the Dem heavy population centers.
And regardless whether it?s 49-47 or 45-49, the fact is that there are roughly just as many people voting now who think the founders were evil white slaveowners, that corporations should all be eliminated and rich people should be ?taxed until they bleed,? as there are people who actually believe in individualism, free markets, and God.
To: I want the USA back
every decent normal person must get out and vote on November 6. Every freak and pervert vote on November 7.
To: thingumbob
Their goal is to depress the republicans and shore up the dem vote to keep a landslide from happening. A close race also helps their ratings numbers.This is nothing new. Polls always show a dem winning big if the dem is ahead and a tie or a very tight race with a few outlier polls both ways if the republican is winning....until the last poll before the vote, can't have them wrong by huge numbers in the end so that they still look like a real pollster and not a propagandist for one party like Zogby does now.
This is nothing new. It is the same old stupid game they have played since I have been paying attention (Reagan/ Carter). The only truly strange year I have seen in the polls is 2008 because of the huge change in the number of dems. They are not going to have that this year and know it(2010 has shown them the impossibility of a 2008 repeat), so the polls using those levels of dems in their polling data will just use that as an excuse for being so wrong, saying that it is the accepted practice to use the numbers of last presidential elections party participation to work from.
To: bray
Who says the Dems are going to outvote us at all. There are more Repubs then Dems and more enthusiasm. What happens if we plus 9 them?************************************************************
My thoughts exactly. There is no basis for the assumption taken by these pollsters that more Dems will turn out than Rep since enthusiasm is higher for Rep by a wide margin and Party I.D is also even or slightly in favor of the Rep this cycle..
In my view this race looks more like 2010 as far as turnout then it does 2008.
To: Perdogg
A 5 point differential would be 45.85-44.52. Move to equal turnout and it flips to 47.15-44.24 Romney.
Even a 5 point differential considering that a chunk of that will be in places like NY & Calif. would not mean the Kenyan would win. He can run up vote totals in those states and it won?t help him at all.
To: sam_paine
That is not a fact at all, but your interpretation of what people think.
We are still a center-right country, but Obama had people hoodwinked on hope.
To: Lady Heron
I know....up until 2011 I had lived my entire life in Ohio and I've been paying attention since theHere's a good site for watching what's happening in Ohio
These are the current numbers on the Absentee ballot situation in Ohio and they also include the early voting numbers in the state. Even though the Democrats are up right now it's nowhere near what they had in 2008. And the Republican numbers have increased in all the counties throughout the state and the ones that stayed home last time will not make that mistake again. In addition, the Democrat numbers have gone down throughout the state.
It's well known among Ohioians that the Democrats come out heavily and vote early, while the Republicans come out heavily and vote on Election day. If you would only have counted the votes on Election day in Ohio John McCain would have won.
So the fact that the Democrats are only leading by 6% overall at this point is very bad news for Obozo. Plus this time around we have a Republican Sec. of State and Republican Governor monitoring the vote counting instead of the Democrats. Watch Cuyahoga county (Cleveland - heavliy democrat), Franklin county (Columbus - the break even point in the state for Republicans), and Hamilton county (Cincinnati - heavily Republican). There are a few more to watch like Summit county and indicators of the mood in the state. If we keep it close in Franklin county and the numbers are down in Cuyahoga county the rest of the rural areas throughout the state will ensure a Romney win.
I know the polls for Ohio are Bull sh!t....... With all this going on right now and having lived in the state.......I'm sure Ohio is going in the Romney column.
To: rwfromkansas
We are still a center-right country, but Obama had people hoodwinked on hope.I'd like to believe that. I think it is indeed true where I live, and in the heartland ("flyover country" as the left calls it).
However, the urban centers have overtaken the rural population in enough swings states to begin controlling the electoral results.
Reagan's America with blue-dog Democrats has greatly diminished over 30 years.
Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson
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Romney Actually Leading Based on Today?s ABC/Washington Post PollPosted on 10/15/2012 6:09:54 AM PDT by Perdogg
I?m hesitant to do this with every poll but after the below monstrosity from ABC/Washington Post, it was worth the time to rework the poll with a more reasonable election turnout. The largest bone of contention is that the party identification had a Democrat advantage of 9 percentage points more Democrats surveyed than Republicans which in shorthand is D +9. This exceeds the best-in-a generation turnout advantage Obama had in 2008 which was 7 percentage points more Democrats or D +7. But what if that absurd disparity in turnout was a more reasonable turnout of D +3 which is also the historic average over the last 7 Presidential elections?
First I will map out the poll as reported by ABC and the Washington Post
The party ID and vote totals according to ABC/Washington Post:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
After rounding, it would be 49-47, like Ras and Gallup.
To: Perdogg
Yes, but every decent normal person must get out and vote! That?s what counts!
To: SeekAndFind; LS; Perdogg; napscoordinator; God luvs America; nutmeg; SoFloFreeper; Ravi; ...
3 posted on 10/15/2012 6:11:34 AM PDT by Perdogg (Vote like the US Constitution depends on it - it does!!)To: Perdogg
this poll is absurd and i guess they decided to start pushing these oversampling polls again to give an appearance of O being a winner.
To: Perdogg
Who says the Dems are going to outvote us at all. There are more Repubs then Dems and more enthusiasm. What happens if we plus 9 them?
Pray for America
To: snarkytart
What do the media think they?re doing with these polls ......building up Narcissist?s confidence for the Townhall debate tomorrow night?
To: Perdogg
A 5 point differential would be 45.85-44.52. Move to equal turnout and it flips to 47.15-44.24 Romney.
Even a 5 point differential considering that a chunk of that will be in places like NY & Calif. would not mean the Kenyan would win. He can run up vote totals in those states and it won?t help him at all.
To: I want the USA back
but every decent normal person must get out and vote!?
To: Perdogg
the purpose is to establish credibility for vote totals after all the fraudulent votes are entered.
When enough fake votes are added to our horribly corrupted electoral process in blue states, DEMs win, and always after 10 PM with ?late [always urban] precincts reporting?.
To: Perdogg; I want the USA back; snarkytart; bray; thingumbob; wiggen
Even if Romney takes Florida and Virginia handily, Obama only has to win Ohio and Wisconsin by a razor thin margin in the Dem heavy population centers.
And regardless whether it?s 49-47 or 45-49, the fact is that there are roughly just as many people voting now who think the founders were evil white slaveowners, that corporations should all be eliminated and rich people should be ?taxed until they bleed,? as there are people who actually believe in individualism, free markets, and God.
To: I want the USA back
every decent normal person must get out and vote on November 6. Every freak and pervert vote on November 7.
To: thingumbob
Their goal is to depress the republicans and shore up the dem vote to keep a landslide from happening. A close race also helps their ratings numbers.This is nothing new. Polls always show a dem winning big if the dem is ahead and a tie or a very tight race with a few outlier polls both ways if the republican is winning....until the last poll before the vote, can't have them wrong by huge numbers in the end so that they still look like a real pollster and not a propagandist for one party like Zogby does now.
This is nothing new. It is the same old stupid game they have played since I have been paying attention (Reagan/ Carter). The only truly strange year I have seen in the polls is 2008 because of the huge change in the number of dems. They are not going to have that this year and know it(2010 has shown them the impossibility of a 2008 repeat), so the polls using those levels of dems in their polling data will just use that as an excuse for being so wrong, saying that it is the accepted practice to use the numbers of last presidential elections party participation to work from.
To: bray
Who says the Dems are going to outvote us at all. There are more Repubs then Dems and more enthusiasm. What happens if we plus 9 them?************************************************************
My thoughts exactly. There is no basis for the assumption taken by these pollsters that more Dems will turn out than Rep since enthusiasm is higher for Rep by a wide margin and Party I.D is also even or slightly in favor of the Rep this cycle..
In my view this race looks more like 2010 as far as turnout then it does 2008.
To: Perdogg
A 5 point differential would be 45.85-44.52. Move to equal turnout and it flips to 47.15-44.24 Romney.
Even a 5 point differential considering that a chunk of that will be in places like NY & Calif. would not mean the Kenyan would win. He can run up vote totals in those states and it won?t help him at all.
To: sam_paine
That is not a fact at all, but your interpretation of what people think.
We are still a center-right country, but Obama had people hoodwinked on hope.
To: Lady Heron
I know....up until 2011 I had lived my entire life in Ohio and I've been paying attention since theHere's a good site for watching what's happening in Ohio
These are the current numbers on the Absentee ballot situation in Ohio and they also include the early voting numbers in the state. Even though the Democrats are up right now it's nowhere near what they had in 2008. And the Republican numbers have increased in all the counties throughout the state and the ones that stayed home last time will not make that mistake again. In addition, the Democrat numbers have gone down throughout the state.
It's well known among Ohioians that the Democrats come out heavily and vote early, while the Republicans come out heavily and vote on Election day. If you would only have counted the votes on Election day in Ohio John McCain would have won.
So the fact that the Democrats are only leading by 6% overall at this point is very bad news for Obozo. Plus this time around we have a Republican Sec. of State and Republican Governor monitoring the vote counting instead of the Democrats. Watch Cuyahoga county (Cleveland - heavliy democrat), Franklin county (Columbus - the break even point in the state for Republicans), and Hamilton county (Cincinnati - heavily Republican). There are a few more to watch like Summit county and indicators of the mood in the state. If we keep it close in Franklin county and the numbers are down in Cuyahoga county the rest of the rural areas throughout the state will ensure a Romney win.
I know the polls for Ohio are Bull sh!t....... With all this going on right now and having lived in the state.......I'm sure Ohio is going in the Romney column.
To: rwfromkansas
We are still a center-right country, but Obama had people hoodwinked on hope.I'd like to believe that. I think it is indeed true where I live, and in the heartland ("flyover country" as the left calls it).
However, the urban centers have overtaken the rural population in enough swings states to begin controlling the electoral results.
Reagan's America with blue-dog Democrats has greatly diminished over 30 years.
Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson
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Supporters of Pakistani political party Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), attend a rally to condemn the attack on 14-year-old schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai, who was shot last Tuesday by the Taliban for speaking out in support of education for women, in Karachi, Pakistan, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. Tens of thousands rallied in Pakistan's largest city Sunday in support of a 14-year-old girl who was shot and critically wounded by the Taliban for promoting girls' education and criticizing the militant group. (AP Photo/Shakil Adil)
Supporters of Pakistani political party Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), attend a rally to condemn the attack on 14-year-old schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai, who was shot last Tuesday by the Taliban for speaking out in support of education for women, in Karachi, Pakistan, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. Tens of thousands rallied in Pakistan's largest city Sunday in support of a 14-year-old girl who was shot and critically wounded by the Taliban for promoting girls' education and criticizing the militant group. (AP Photo/Shakil Adil)
A supporter of Pakistani political party Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), reacts while holding a poster of 14-year-old schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai, who was shot last Tuesday by the Taliban for speaking out in support of education for women, during a rally to condemn the attack in Karachi, Pakistan, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. Tens of thousands rallied in Pakistan's largest city Sunday in support of a 14-year-old girl who was shot and critically wounded by the Taliban for promoting girls' education and criticizing the militant group. (AP Photo/Shakil Adil)
Pakistani Christians pray for the recovery of 14-year-old schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai, who was shot last Tuesday by a Taliban gunman for speaking out in support of education for women, at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Church in Lahore, Pakistan, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. The United Arab Emirates plans to send a specialized aircraft to serve as an ambulance for Yousufzai in case doctors decide to send her abroad for treatment, a Pakistani official said Sunday. (AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary)
Supporters of Pakistani political party Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), hold posters of 14-year-old schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai, who was shot last Tuesday by the Taliban for speaking out in support of education for women, during a rally to condemn the attack, in Karachi, Pakistan, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. Tens of thousands rallied in Pakistan's largest city Sunday in support of a 14-year-old girl who was shot and critically wounded by the Taliban for promoting girls' education and criticizing the militant group. (AP Photo/Shakil Adil)
Pakistani children hold candles during a special prayer for the recovery of 14-year-old schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai, who was shot last Tuesday by a Taliban gunman for speaking out in support of education for women, at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Church in Lahore, Pakistan, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. The United Arab Emirates plans to send a specialized aircraft to serve as an ambulance for Yousufzai in case doctors decide to send her abroad for treatment, a Pakistani official said Sunday. (AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary)
KARACHI, Pakistan (AP) ? Tens of thousands rallied in Pakistan's largest city Sunday in the biggest show of support yet for a 14-year-old girl who was shot and seriously wounded by the Taliban for promoting girls' education and criticizing the militant group.
The Oct. 9 attack on Malala Yousufzai as she was returning home from school in Pakistan's northwest horrified people inside and outside the country. At the same time, it gave hope to some that the government would respond by intensifying its fight against the Taliban and their allies.
But protests against the shooting have been relatively small until now, usually attracting no more than a few hundred people. That response pales in comparison to the tens of thousands of people who held violent protests in Pakistan last month against a film produced in the United States that denigrated Islam's Prophet Muhammad.
Demonstrations in support of Malala ? and against rampant militant violence in the country in general ? have also been fairly small compared with those focused on issues such as U.S. drone attacks and the NATO supply route to Afghanistan that runs through Pakistan.
Right-wing Islamic parties and organizations in Pakistan that regularly pull thousands of supporters into the streets to protest against the U.S. have less of an incentive to speak out against the Taliban. The two share a desire to impose Islamic law in the country ? even if they may disagree over the Taliban's violent tactics.
Pakistan's mainstream political parties are also often more willing to harangue the U.S. than direct their people power against Islamist militants shedding blood across the country ? partly out of fear and partly because they rely on Islamist parties for electoral support.
One of the exceptions is the political party that organized Sunday's rally in the southern port city of Karachi, the Muttahida Quami Movement. The party's chief, Altaf Hussain, criticized both Islamic and other mainstream political parties for failing to organize rallies to protest the attack on Malala.
He called the Taliban gunmen who shot the girl "beasts" and said it was an attack on "the ideology of Pakistan."
"Malala Yousufzai is a beacon of knowledge. She is the daughter of the nation," Hussain told the audience by telephone from London, where he is in self-imposed exile because of legal cases pending against him in Pakistan. His party is strongest in Karachi.
Many of the demonstrators carried the young girl's picture and banners praising her bravery and expressing solidarity.
The leaders of Pakistan's main Islamic parties have criticized the shooting, but have also tried to redirect the conversation away from Taliban violence and toward civilian casualties from U.S. drone attacks.
Cyril Almeida, a columnist for Pakistan's Dawn newspaper, said this type of "obfuscation" prevents Pakistanis from seeing "there is a continuum from the religious right to violent Islamism."
"The religious right creates an enabling environment for violent Islamism to recruit and prosper. And violent Islamism makes state and society cower and in doing so enhances the space for the religious right," Almeida wrote in a column Sunday.
Malala earned the enmity of the Pakistani Taliban for publicizing their behavior when they took over the northwestern Swat Valley, where she lived, and for speaking about the importance of education for girls.
The group first started to exert its influence in Swat in 2007 and quickly extended its reach to much of the valley by the next year. They set about imposing their will on residents by forcing men to grow beards, preventing women from going to the market and blowing up many schools ? the majority for girls.
Malala wrote about these practices in a journal for the BBC under a pseudonym when she was just 11. After the Taliban were pushed out of the Swat Valley in 2009 by the Pakistani military, she became even more outspoken in advocating for girls' education. She appeared frequently in the media and was given one of the country's highest honors for civilians for her bravery.
The military carried out its offensive in Swat after a video surfaced of a militant flogging a woman who had allegedly committed adultery, which helped mobilize public support against the Taliban.
Many hope the shooting of Malala will help push the military to undertake a long-awaited offensive in the Pakistani Taliban's last main sanctuary in the country in the North Waziristan tribal area.
The Pakistani Taliban said they carried out the shooting because Malala was promoting "Western thinking." Police have arrested at least three suspects in connection with the attack, but the two gunmen who carried out the shooting remain at large.
The young girl was shot in the neck, and the bullet headed toward her spine. Two of her classmates were also wounded in the attack.
Doctors at a military hospital operated on Malala to remove the bullet from her neck, and she was put on a ventilator. Her condition improved somewhat on Saturday when she was able to move her legs and hands after her sedatives were reduced.
On Sunday, she was successfully taken off the ventilator for a short period and later reconnected to avoid fatigue, the military said. Doctors are satisfied she is making slow and steady progress and will decide whether to send her abroad for treatment. They have not said whether she suffered any brain damage or other type of permanent damage.
The United Arab Emirates plans to send a specialized aircraft to serve as an ambulance for the girl in case doctors decide to send her abroad, the Pakistani ambassador to the country, Jamil Ahmed Khan, said Sunday.
Visas are being finalized for the air ambulance crew and six doctors who will accompany the flight, Khan told Pakistan's Geo TV. Arrangements have been made to treat the girl at three hospitals in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, he said.
The UAE Embassy in Islamabad could not immediately be reached for comment.
No decision has yet been taken to send the girl abroad, but the air ambulance is part of the contingency plan, the Pakistani military said.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has written letters to top political and religious leaders in Pakistan denouncing the attack on Yousufzai and asking them to help battle extremism in both countries, the president's office said in a statement issued late Saturday. Karzai wrote that he views the shooting as an attack on Afghanistan's girls as well.
Abbot reported from Islamabad. Associated Press writers Asif Shahzad, Zarar Khan and Munir Ahmed in Islamabad and Deb Riechmann in Kabul, Afghanistan, contributed to this report.
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NEW YORK -- Former "Bachelorette" Ashley Hebert (AY'-behr) will have quite a wedding video.
Hebert and fiance J.P. Rosenbaum have signed a deal with ABC to film their marriage ceremony.
"The Bachelorette: Ashley and J.P.'s Wedding" will air in December. It will include everything from Hebert's dress fitting and wedding planning to the bachelor and bachelorette parties.
Hebert competed for Brad Womack's affections on the 15th season of "The Bachelor." She was then chosen to be the next "Bachelorette." The dating reality show aired last year.
Hebert, 28, is a dentist in Philadelphia. Rosenbaum, 35, works in construction in New York.
Filming is under way for the next season of "The Bachelor," with 24 women competing for the affection of Dallas businessman Sean Lowe. The new season will premiere in January.
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Is there any specific route to take if I want to apply to WWE as a creative writer?
I actually cannot remember a time where WWE was not looking to hire a new Creative Writer. The job listing is posted at this link. The following requirements are expected to get hired:
Rey Mysterio?s character is completely stale even for a babyface. I would love to see Mysterio turn heel. What are your thoughts?
Rey Mysterio?s character has almost been as untouchable as that of John Cena because the fact he is a character that can be marketed towards children. Mysterio masks sell very well to the company?s younger audience and that is one of the reasons for teaming him with Sin Cara. The team of Mysterio and Cara gives them two kid-friendly masked characters to market towards children.
Can you give any reason for Mark Henry being absent this long. I know he suffered an injury a while back, but hasn?t he recuperated fully by now? Also, do you know of any plans they might have for him upon his return? (heel or face)
Mark Henry underwent shoulder surgery last summer and has been recuperating from it. I don?t know the specifics but Henry has said he is the healthiest he has been in years yet has cautioned in his recovery he wasn?t ?out of the woods yet.? Mark has done WWE promotional work during his time off and even spent time in London at the Olympics. Recently, Henry was in the news for serving as a pallbearer at the funeral of Michael Clarke Duncan. I haven?t heard new plans for his return, however, his contract is coming up and WWE was looking to re-sign him. So far, the two sides haven?t reached a new agreement. We have more on Henry?s contract negotiations at this link.
With Sting?s latest comments about wanting ?one cool thing? with The Undertaker, what will it take for Vince McMahon to realize that this match could possibly be the BIGGEST draw in company history until that point and get a possible small contract done? I personally think Sting could possible draw more in a 6-month span than Lesnar will do for the 1-year span and they gave Lesnar a huge payday!
This isn?t on WWE or Vince McMahon, they?ve tried to sign Sting, including getting very close a couple years ago for Wrestlemania XXVII, however, it was Sting that chose to remain loyal to TNA and Dixie Carter. Given the success of Wrestlemania XXVIII with The Rock and SummerSlam with Brock Lesnar, Vince is very high up on part-time talent but the window is closing on a WWE dream match for Sting. With that being said, Sting is under TNA contract and even if he chose to explore his options, there is currently a hiring freeze of TNA talent to WWE because of ongoing litigation.
Remember questions with proper spelling and grammar have the best chance of being answered. The next installment of Ask WNW will run on Tuesday, October 16, 2012.
Check out the Ask WNW archive at this link.
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By The Associated Press
Former U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, the Republican-turned-Democrat who played a key role in many Supreme Court nominations, has died. He was 82.
His son Shanin Specter says his father died Sunday morning at his home in Philadelphia, from complications of non-Hodgkins lymphoma. He had battled cancer and other health problems.
Specter served 30 years in the Senate, a Pennsylvania record.
In April 2009, he startled fellow senators when he announced he was switching to the Democratic side because he did not think he could win the nomination for a sixth term in the increasingly conservative GOP. He wound up losing the 2010 Democratic primary to then-Rep. Joe Sestak, who narrowly lost Specter's seat to conservative Pat Toomey.
Specter was the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee before the Democrats regained power in 2007.
? 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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